About us
Founded in 2005, the Red Rose Intercultural and Educational Foundation is a non-political, non-profit, charitable and educational organization whose mission is to help individuals and communities successfully live, learn, work and play in our increasingly diverse society. The Foundation focuses on helping people understand their own culture, understand others, develop positive inter-group relations, and build strong communities.
Communities all across the nation have become increasingly diverse. These changes impact our neighborhoods, schools, workplaces, places of worship and everywhere that people live, learn, work and play. Demographic changes, and the desire by many individuals to be recognized in their own terms, are factors which have contributed to this increased attention to diversity. Together, as strong community members, friends and neighbors we can make a difference for now and for our future.
To serve our mission by concentrating in these areas:
Educational Activities
Language Education
Weekend School for Children in our Community
Art & Cultural Education
Joint Programs with Colleges and Universities
After School Extracurricular Activities
Dialogue Activities
Friendship Dinners
Coffee Nights
Interfaith Dialogue: Joint activities with Churches, Synagogues and other Religious Traditions
Intrafaith Dialogue: Establishing Relationships with various Muslim Communities
Trips and Visits Across the Globe
Cultural Celebration Day at the Capitol
Ramadan Iftar Dinners
Humanitarian Help
Resettlement of the New Comers
Food Drive
Thanksgiving Giveaways
Community Dinners
Clothing and Housing Help
School Supplies Help to Local Students
English Language Learning and Training
The Red Rose Intercultural and Educational Foundation is a Hizmet affiliated organization. The word Hizmet translates to "Service" implying on the service that its volunteers provide to their communities. Hizmet is a faith-inspired civil society movement that seeks to create a culture of coexistence within universal, humanist values and is comprised of volunteers. Its basic principles stem from Islam’s universal values, such as love of the creation, sympathy for the fellow human, compassion, and altruism. It is not a governmental or state sponsored organization. It focuses on the betterment of the individual toward a positive change in society. Hizmet is distinguished for its support of democracy, its openness to globalization, its progressiveness in integrating tradition with modernity, and its humanistic outlook - it is described as “a movement of people united around high human values."
The essence of volunteerism is to make a contribution without the expectation of anything in return. Put a different way, whoever does his or her service with any expectations whatsoever would not be acting in the spirit of Hizmet.
Hizmet is now active in as many non-Muslim as Muslim countries and attracts participants of diverse faiths and cultures. Many organizations, such as ours, that share the same values the love of the creation, sympathy for the fellow human, compassion, and altruism make up the Hizmet network.